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Bury CE High School

A Church of England Academy with the vision to empower all students to let their light shine.


The STEAM curriculum integrates Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics. This interdisciplinary approach aims to  help students develop critical thinking, creativity, curiosity and problem-solving skills, preparing them for future careers in a rapidly evolving world.

The themes for each year groups are as follows: 

Year 7 – ‘Our Place On Our Planet’.

The curriculum focuses on how to build a more sustainable planet and how we can make ourselves, the school community and the local area more sustainable. The curriculum starts with students watching the Netflix documentary 'A Life on our Planet' to help them understand the issues facing planet Earth and what students can do to improve the future of all organisms on Earth.

Students will be taught to understand their moral and spiritual responsibilities in protecting our planet for future generations.  The curriculum will help students to understand their role in the local community and how they can influence local politics and give their opinions on projects that will affect their future. 

Year 8 – ‘Problem Solving and Resilience’.

The students will focus how transport and housing and space exploration has developed over time and how engineers have overcome problems.  Scientists and engineers spend years developing new initiatives. Students will experience what it is like to develop a new idea and how problems must be overcome to achieve long term success.


Year 9 – ‘Curiosity and the Future of the Human Race’.

The curriculum is built on ‘The Martian’ book by Andy Wier. Students link their learning of STEAM practical skills to extracts from the book.

In the book, the astronaut, Mark Watney has been left on Mars. He has to use his scientific and engineering knowledge to stay alive long enough for him to find a way home. Students use their knowledge to understand the issues that Mark Watney faces and are helped to understand how he shows incredible resilience and problem solving to survive. The full book is read during our daily reading time.