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Bury CE High School

A Church of England Academy with the vision to empower all students to let their light shine.


Pastoral Structure

On entry to the school, pupils are placed in all-ability tutor groups, which take account of friendship patterns and advice from primary schools, as well as ability. The Tutor is in close, daily contact with the group and comes to know each child well. Each team of Tutors is led by a Head of Year. Heads of Year work with tutors to support pupils through difficulties and to celebrate achievements with them. They make contact with parents where this is appropriate.

Further support is also available from our Pastoral Leaders of Lower and Upper School. As associate members of staff they are easily contactable by both pupils and parents throughout the school day. Pupils normally remain with the same Form Tutor throughout Years 7 to 11, to provide continuity.

Our pastoral team invests time each year in training some of our Year 10 pupils to become peer mentors to our Year 7 and Year 8 pupils. These pupils are available as counsellors to help the younger children and offer support and guidance to them should difficulties arise. Many Upper School pupils are also attached to each Year 7 and Year 8 tutor group. They attend registration, help in Form Assemblies and assist the Form Tutor with administration.

Pastoral Newsletter