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Bury CE High School

A Church of England Academy with the vision to empower all students to let their light shine.


Department for Learning Support

Specific Interventions and Resources used in School:

As a school we are mindful of and comply with the LA Expectations of Schools, which outlines the key ways pupils should be supported in class, along with expected equality duties shown in the school’s Single Equality and Disability Equality policies and our access arrangements as shown in the school’s Accessibility Plan.

Different interventions and approaches are used to address specific areas and we would look carefully at your child’s individual needs when deciding how best to support your child and which interventions to use.

All interventions and approaches included in this document have been shown to have a positive impact on pupils’ learning.

 Key Documents

Upon request further details of the types of support we use in school are available.

Gifted & Talented

Bury Church of England High School provides our Able, Gifted and Talented students with a range of challenging learning experiences and opportunities. These are designed to meet the needs of individual students and groups of students. Personalised learning for these students is according to need, broader, faster and deeper, with an emphasis on learning new skills, enabling them to reach their full potential. It takes place in a supportive environment where students are effectively challenged, and given opportunities to develop independent learning skills. A broad approach to provision is used; this includes in-class extension and enrichment, out of class activities and responsibilities, and appropriate organisational and curriculum flexibility.

Whilst each subject area has particular strategies in place to provide for the needs of our able, gifted and talented students, the school seeks to ensure that students’ diverse learning needs are met in the following ways:

  • Lessons that stimulate, engage, challenge, inform, excite and encourage through partnership and dialogue with teachers’ and other students, and through active participation in the lessons.
  • To offer opportunities to explore more demanding work, and offer personalised learning opportunities. An entitlement beyond subject teaching, including enrichment and extension opportunities, extra- curricular activities, pastoral development, personal and social education and guidance, and mentoring
  • To develop students’ full potential through a broad range of learning styles, and by providing opportunities to exercise creativity at a higher level
  • Monitor students’ performance effectively at school and department levels, and celebrate the excitement of achievement and excellence.

Our Able, Gifted and Talented pupils have participated in a range of enrichment and extra-curricular activities with partner schools and colleges, and through trips and visits. Here are some of the recent activities that our pupils have participated in.

Gifted Year 8 pupils have participated in the Bury Science and Technology day at Holy Cross College. During the day they were involved in a number of Science and Technology challenges.

A number of our Year 9 Gifted and Talented pupils were involved in the Bury College summer school. During the summer school they were able to participate in a range of academic, practical and physical activities and also experience college life. Bury College also hosted an Oxbridge talk for our Year 11 Gifted and Talented pupils.

Year 10 Gifted and Talented pupils have participated in the Holy Cross College ‘Futures Opportunities Challenge’ During the two day challenge the pupils experienced ‘A’ level courses, and they were also involved in a range of activities to further enhance their learning

The poetry live event in Manchester enabled a number of our Year 11 pupils to engage, analyse and explore poetry in greater depth

A number of our Gifted and Talented Year 7 pupils were involved a BBC report workshop at media city in Salford.

Talented Artists in Year 7 and 8 have participated in the Arts Award scheme. They have attended after school and lunch time Art classes to enhance and develop their creative talents and learn new skills. They have produced portfolios of Art work which will lead to a bronze award.

Our Year 9 talented Artists spent a day at the Lowry Art Gallery in Salford, learning about the life and work of the Artist L.S. Lowry. They also participated in a practical workshop.

Year 10 GCSE Artists worked for a day with Jane Dennerly a practising Textiles Artist. During the day the pupils were able to learn a range of new sewing skills and textiles techniques, these new skills were then used to produce a piece of Art work.

Our Languages department participated in a number of activities including a careers in Languages conference for Year 9 pupils at Bury Town Hall. Some Year 11 pupils were coached in German speaking by Holy Cross College students. Our Year 10 pupils created and filmed German adverts as part of our Flexible Friday Programme.

Our Science department runs a number of enrichment activities, these include STEM Group, (Science, Engineering, Technology and Maths) a team of pupils are participating in a scheme called Go4SET. There are also Year 9 pupils involved in CREST awards.

Our Geography department took a number of pupils to the British Cartographic Society. The pupils worked alongside experts using the latest mapping technologies.

Our Year 10 Drama pupils have participated in a stage combat workshop to further enhance their skills and techniques.

Gifted Mathematicians from Year 10 have participated in Maths challenges at Bury College.

Our talented Musicians have participated in advanced performance workshops, school ensembles and choirs, Bury music ensembles, Halle youth orchestra and choirs and the National children’s orchestra.

In Physical Education many of our talented pupils represent school in a number of different sports. Our senior pupils get the opportunity to run and coach younger teams in their specialist sports, these pupils also get the chance to run our extensive interform sports competitions which are held at lunch times and after school.

English as an additional language (EAL)