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Bury CE High School

A Church of England Academy with the vision to empower all students to let their light shine.


Departmental Vision

  • WISDOM – All children will develop a rich knowledge and understanding of the PSHE, Citizenship and Statutory RSHE framework to provide a suitable skill set so they are able to make safe and informed decisions about their life both now and into the future. The PSHCE curriculum will develop student’s resilience, well-being and character, whilst promoting their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
  • HOPE AND ASPIRATION – The PSHCE curriculum underpins the whole school curriculum allowing children to develop a positive mindset to encourage them to plan and achieve for their long-term goals whilst tackling barriers to learning and wellbeing that they face. Pupils at Bury Church will develop into well-rounded individuals who will be able to tackle any of life’s challenges and achieve excellence.
  • COMMUNITY AND LIVING WELL – The PSHCE curriculum will develop a child’s understanding of the world around them, encouraging them to develop healthy relationships, whilst recognising unhealthy situations. The PSHCE curriculum will encourage children to take informed action and be active members of our local community.
  • DIGNITY AND DIVERSITY – The PSHCE curriculum enables all children to learn about rights and responsibilities and appreciate what it means to be a member of a diverse and multicultural society.   The protected characteristics of the Equality Act 2010 underpin learning and encourages children to accept and support all in our community.

Curriculum Design

The PSHCE curriculum is based on six pillars of knowledge that deepen in complexity of declarative and procedural knowledge through time. The School's core values of Respect, Responsibility and Resilience are at the heart of the curriculum design, ensuring every student can let their light shine.

The three disciplines of Relationship, Sex and Health Education (RSHE), Citizenship and Careers are sequenced in a spiralled curriculum, ensuring new knowledge builds on prior knowledge.

The pillars of knowledge underpinning the curriculum are:

  • Health and Wellbeing: drugs, vaping, nicotine and alcohol education, mental and emotional wellbeing, managing risk and personal safety and sexual health.
  • Relationships and Sex Education: recognising positive and unhealthy relationships, consent v's coercion, social influences on behaviour, contraception, parenthood and families, bullying, abuse and discrimination.
  • Living in the Wider World: Career choices and pathways, learning skills, employment rights and responsibilities, financial choices, media literacy and digital resilience.
  • Being British: Political systems in UK democracy, British Values, liberties enjoyed by UK citizens (including Human Rights and Equality), our responsibilities as British citizens, justice and the law and focusing on our local communities.
  • Global Britain: other forms of political systems, ECHR and the role of the European court, United Nations, EU and Brexit, understanding migration and asylum.
  • Active Citizenship: contributing to our local, national and global communities through social action.

The PSHCE curriculum is text rich as we use our school reading programme literature and English GCSE texts to initiate discussions around personal development issues.

Knowledge Organisers


Extra Curricular Activities

Youth Cabinet – discussing issues which affect young people in Bury

Archbishop of York Young Leaders Award – carrying out a set of leadership challenges within the community that “serve others” in Year 7&8.

School Council – discussing issues that affect our pupils and campaigning for change.

Charities Group – this is a sub group of the School Council which works tirelessly to raise money for charities both locally and nationally. We also volunteer in the community to help contribute as active citizens.

Careers Club – this weekly lunchtime club hosts talks from employers about their careers as well as offering support to students with career exploration, college applications, CV writing, securing work experience etc.